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| Good luck to the fella, he has my backing. Can't help thinking this ship has sailed and he'd have more success standing on a cliff pi$$ing into a force ten gale.
Many previous threads have covered this but like the previous posts its hard to see things ever changing for the greater good.
On the exact same page of the league paper on Monday where this article was, was a story about the wigan boss pushing for toulose to get the next franchise as this is what the big four clubs want.
Call me paranoid but little things like this plus throw away comments by the likes of hetherington a few weeks ago regarding his desire to play a union club as a trial match using a hybrid set of rules certainly alarm me more than a decade ago when wigan did something similar.
Get ready for super league 2 where the bottom of super league are packed in with us and the less fortunate championship one clubs are left scrapping for no hope of promotion from a soon to be barely semi pro league.
If the smaller clubs get a chance to gain promotion into any future new fob off league then bring it on. Let the lesser super league teams join us, have an even better league than we currently have, which is already a great and close contest, and leave the so called big boys to it. Let's face it, franchising was supposed to balance out all the teams yet its still the same teams winning the thing and more than before are going belly up.
Good luck Mr. Burnham, you clearly see what's right, shame you're not in the red hall ivory tower!
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| It doesnt help the cause when you have Cullen lying on national tv about Fax and their "financial crisis" in competing with Widnes [urlhttp://www.skysports.com/tv_show/story/0,,12387_7774173,00.html[/url
Which financial crisis was this? The one where we lost against Cas in the GF and went bust....oh no....that was Widnes.
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| Makes sense Cullen. 
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| He is a complete prat, and shows why hes a sportsman and not a Barrister.
Clubs and business from top to bottom have had financial crisis since money was first printed and institutions formed. What he doesn't comprehend is the higher you are and the more you borrow, the further you fall, Leeds Utd, Glasgow Rangers, Bradford Bulls, Eurozone etc RL is deluded if it thinks closing ranks generates innovation and competition.
Whats more disappointing is how many clubs could have been helped without this SL folly and cradling of clubs like the Bulls.
Rant over..
p.s let them close shop even further and have Euro SL of 10, i'm all for it, go knock yourselves out Red Hall.
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| Cullen and many others in SL are missing the point. Widnes would be where we are without O'Connor and so too would half of SL (without their benefactors). Those that regularly pull in 10,000+ have a chance - the rest of them cannot sustain a FT squad without philanthropic support. Halifax are testament to that - so too more recently are the giant club Bradford Bulls. The game has tried to sustain full time status when in reality it should be playing semi-pro until such time as a better TV deal comes along or crowds increase. However it could be argued that they'd only spend it further on salaries and would be no better off. It is important to stress that this isn't just prevalent in Rugby League.
Love it or hate it - franchising is here to stay and there's no place for Halifax without better attendances and a backer. IMO the alternative we have now (Championship RL) still whets my appetite for the game and if all else above us crumbles in administration, little old Halifax will still be around in a competitive league. Leave them to it i say .....................