Quote The Lucky Black Cat="The Lucky Black Cat"So you have the best pack and the aim to be in the best part time team. Great, but sadly the Championship is in a mess, with most if not all clubs having to make cuts etc. Batley average less than a 1000 fans a game. Nice ground but nowhere near fit for SL. The team you have is probably the moest expensive outside the FT teams. Any club spending the money that Batley are doing is a big risk for me as the rewards are not really worth it and all Championship sides could and should be spending money in a better way including Halifax and Batley. Personally I cant see the Championship lasting another 10 years. And I dont see the justification is paying alot of money out on players when your gates are 1500 at best. If Batley fail to make the top 4 it will hurt tem as can be seen by Fax, Bradford and Sheffield.
Dane loves Batley, as much as he loves Halifax. Its a cliche that players come out with. If they really did love a club, they would do anything to help a club. If Dane was offered more money at Fev than Batley, do you really think his love for Batley would see him sign there? I doubt it very much. End of the day,players have to make as much money as possible and I dont blame Dane for going. There is little money in the game and players and agents will always look after player first whether they "Love" a certain club or not.'"
The point is, missing out on the top 4 won't hurt us like it did you or Sheffield. Our contracts depend on where we finish, so regardless of where we finish, it will cost us the same percentage of our RFL funding next year. Therefore we will be unable to overspend and it is up to the players to perform to get the increased money for the second year. If we don't earn it, they don't get it.
Gates of 1500 at best, really? How about the 4000 gate for the Bulls game? Does that not count? Just out of interest, what are Halifax's avg gates? I know its not 2000 and I would be very shocked if our outgoings are anything like yours.
The other thing is, we don't have to find rent on our ground, unlike you, oh hang on a minute, you have paid that now I take it?
Our food and beverage sales go to the club unlike yours. We received 3x more rfl funding this year, than last, and the fact of the matter is, the 1 win against fev in the middle 8 s would have paid for Manning several times over. We also have no debts to pay off from the funding, unlike almost every other club in the game. It seems fairly obvious that the £700k you got was probably used to pay off what you owed, IT equipment ££££££££ really? NASA don't spend that much on IT FFS.
Ground not fit for SL, have you been to Wakefield lately? Ovendens ground is better than that.
So you can sleep easy LBC, we will be absolutely fine