Quote forevafaithful="forevafaithful"pmsl great post but big words(for your kind)dont impress,confuse nor baffle me,and for your so called high intellect Hull is and always has been located in Yorkshire,anyhow that doesnt detract from the fact the so called champs were and have been most of the season CHUMPS'"
You are a fool. I feel only sorrow for you and anyone who actually has to spend any time with you, I am a merciful man so I would happily put you and all those around you out of their misery - ironically of course.
Did I miss something? Was the Q unaware that Hull have played in a cup final this weekend or even this year? Was I unaware that they were not in fact handed their rectum in their own hood by the Triple SL Champions this year in the cup?
I hope that's not actually a picture of yourself you use as an avatar. You would be the saddest mother I've had the mispleasure of popping a cap into. I would have to claim I "capped" you by accident in a drive by or I'd lose all my gangsta status immediately.
Don't worry though, you are safe. I don't care if Hull claims to be in Yorkshire, there is no chance the Q would be caught there. I'd look for you at Old Trafford in October but that ain't gonna happen is it fool...