Quote DropGoalGiant="DropGoalGiant":CLAP: great post mate and one we should end the whole argument/debate on!'"
utter nonsense. Blacks are typically more explosive 'power' athletes as they have a higher proportion of fast twitch muscle. White europeans tend to have a higher amount of slow twitch muscle - allowing more absolute strength, but less explosive power.
If you honestly believe that all ethnicities are athletically equal, then ask yourself this:
why is the nrl (and super rugby, all blacks etc) full of polynesians? Why has the tiny island of american samoa seen some 60 players to the nfl.... more than many american football heartland areas with 100 times the population.???
Simply put, samoans (and tongans, cook islanders, nouvelle caledoniens etc) are blessed with an incredible ability to put on muscle, as well as a natural explosive power. they typically are big, but with a relatively low centre of gravity... ideal for rugby league (and union, nfl etc). They are rarely taller than about 1.92-1,93 metres, so no big gangly blokes. (unlike fijians... melanesians... who can be taller)
these guys have evolved over centuries, whereby their diet (heavily composed of taro) allows them to assimilate this carbohydrate based food in a way that westerners cannot.... they effectively process root vegetables in a way that we process protein.
if you honestly believe that your average pasty white, skinny 5 foot 7 northener... (or glaswegian, londoner... etc) can match these guys in terms of natural athleticism, then you are having a laugh. they can train hard though, and improve their physique, strength, power, pace. But... the polynesians (and often afro-caribbeans too) have a big natural advantage. who was the last white bloke to win the 100m olympic gold? scotsman alan wells in 1980. 32 years ago.
in the previous 4 nations (the one down under...) englands backline looked totally outsized, outmuscled and outpaced by a bigger, more athletic, stronger more imposing aussie 7. The gap closed slightly this year (2011), but was still noticeable - right across the park.