Quote Code13="Code13"Without a doubt.
As for Deano, I remember one of his in he 95 cup win over Fax, in their 20, he scorched round the outside to put the ball down in the corner, made more memorable for me cos I'd got in late and was sat right in that corner surrounded by Fax fans being very glum.
Anyone who watched our own King Wally play will know full well those chip and catch tries he scored.'"
i was going to say that! not only that but he did it with only 1 leg, the other was hanging off only held together with bandages

others i remember were
stanleys solo effort at widnes in 2004,its on a well known website
brad drew v wigan 2005
i also remember a joe naidole try v london at leeds road in 93/94? where he went the length of the pitch followed by the customary somersault over the line.