If there is a simple answer as to who represents the supporters, then would someone please let me know?
I have been involved with WiSCA, the Wildcats Supporters Club; Wildcats Squadbuilder and, for the past 5 years, SWAG - the Stadium Wakefield Action Group. In that time I have yet to come across a single group which has galvanised us, the moaning and groaning supporters of our game, into a representative body who can lobby on behalf of our sport in any numbers.
So, for now, we all come on here and complain about the BBC coverage, the Sky commentry team, the lack of any decent media coverage and the imbalance between League and Union etc etc...! Why we even take issue with our games administrators on countless occasions, only to lack the cohesive voice.
What we have done with SWAG is to create a focal point, so that when we meet with politicians etc they understand that we represent a large body of people - and that seems to get results.
My apologies if anyone is already doing this job - if you are, then I would like to support you. However, in the absense of anyone doing it, is this not something that we can find through these pages - after all, there are plenty on here with strong enough opinions!
I must emphasise that what I am looking for is game-wide support - and nothing to benefit the individual clubs - at least not at the expense of any other fellow club.
Just a thought!