Hi everyone
I just wanted to pop on and let you know how much we enjoyed our visit to the KC last night, what a difference a few months make.

You could have lost though to make our night complete.
'Chav Corner' seems to be well under control now, I was sat about as close as you could get to that area and the Stewards seemed to have the confidence to deal with things rather than standing back from it, they were really on the ball and it showed. The whole atmosphere was a pleasant one and after a bad experience last year even when leaving the ground we saw and received no abuse just the odd 'have a safe trip home guys'.
So credit where it is due, I know it was a night game so all youngsters had to have an adult with them but I really feel things have gone back to the KC being a great place to visit and not be worried about leaving.
Well done Hull FC and the SMC especially Mr Rose and the Stewards.